Kyle Gow
SMWS ambassador, 28 Queen Street, Edinburgh
First whisky memory
Half bottle down at Inverleith Park.
Favourite whisky-drinking music
The Stone Roses.
Best box sets
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Fantasy whisky tasting companions I just look forward to having a dram with my wife again once our baby is born.
Most memorable dram Cask No. 113.50: Here comes the Sun. This was the dram I had on my wedding day.
Most used emoji 👍
Guilty pleasure Bowling.
Dream destination Thailand.

Strangest food
I like mixing different leftovers together to create random concoctions.
Favourite bar The Vaults (don’t tell Sarah, my venue manager at Queen Street).
If you were a flavour profile, what would you be, and why? Young and Spritely - that’s just how I feel!