Hans Samyn
SMWS ambassador Dean Marinello raises a dram with new Belgian member, Hans Samyn, who describes the inspiration for his home whisky den ‘The Old Squirrel’, his global travel memories and his latest adventure as a member of The Scotch Malt Whisky Society.
Whisky and memories cuddle up to each other like those of friendship and love. In my time as an ambassador for the SMWS, I’ve not only had the pleasure of this love but have also been able to share in the memories and whisky epiphanies of many other people, both locally and globally, in person and online.
We are grateful to receive and share all forms of whisky adventures, because through time it is these moments that demonstrate the true passion of whisky and what it means to have shared a dram, whether it is with someone close or a stranger who subsequently becomes a friend.
In contacting our Member Services team and DRAM-cierge colleague and friend, Judit, a ‘stranger’ new to SMWS membership has developed a friendship with us both – although we’ve never met. Through a series of emails, Hans Samyn has recalled his life to us with passion and integrity. I have stayed up to the wee hours exchanging messages with Hans while he is “on a break at my 22:00-06:00 factory job, where I have worked for the past 33 years”.
Hans says it was his curious nature that first led to him becoming a member of The Scotch Malt Whisky Society. But he then took things one step further, by creating his very own whisky lounge on the second floor of his home in Hofstade, just outside Brussels. The name of The Old Squirrel came to him after a stormy spring night when his neighbour’s huge tree was blown down right in front of his house.
“There was a noise like voom, and when I opened my front door I saw this giant tree, lying only 10 metres from my car. My neighbour, Eric, was devastated at the scene. Then we saw a squirrel looking at us, standing scared stiff. A family of squirrels had lost their home, but Eric was able to help return them to nature.”

Hans took inspiration from the squirrels for the name of his whisky bar, while also including memorabilia from travels around Europe in his beloved Mercedes as well as road trips in California. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” says Hans. “Diving into the fantastic <Unfiltered> magazine and being interested in all kinds of history, tasting notes and new adventures, as well as the memories that never die of my holidays in many countries, gave me some ideas.”
When I remind Hans that we have a growing global membership base from here, throughout Europe, Eastern Asia, Australia and North America to our recent Mexican branch, including global partner bars, he exclaims: “Circle of friendship!”
We may share the same language, but Hans and I can agree that whisky is universal in the art of communicating flavour, stories and friendship. Slàinte to you, Hans, our new member and friend!