ABOVE: Suzy with (left) members of the SMWS Australia team (Matt and Donelle)
Suzy Tawse
Member Services and Operations Director, SMWS Australia
First whisky memory
The Vaults – work leaving-drinks with a few colleagues when moving from Edinburgh to Sydney. One of the group was a member of this special club that I knew nothing about. What a revelation. That was my very first foray into whisky and it was amazing! I started as I meant to go on…
Favourite whisky-drinking music
Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, a bit of Van the Man, Amy Winehouse, Paolo Conte, Erik Satie and the bagpipes.
Best box sets
Black Books, The Thick of It, Sherlock and Guilty.
Fantasy whisky tasting companions Miriam Margolyes, Billy Connolly and Robin Williams – all three together! It would be a hoot.
Most memorable dram At a Leonard Cohen concert in a vineyard in Australia, sharing a dram of Cask No. 127.44: Cantina Mexicana festival release. All the elements were there for a perfect evening.
Most used emoji 🤣
Guilty pleasure Lindt chocolate – so many flavour profiles!
Dream destination Islay (I know, still not been, should be a work requirement) and Sicily. Of places already visited, Big Sur in California and Skye.
Strangest food
Deep fried pizza as a student in Scotland – a great late-night delicacy. The thing is, I didn’t know it was strange at the time!
Favourite bar This is a tough one. In Scotland, it would be The Canny Man’s (after The Vaults of course!) as well as Café Royal and Teuchters. Then the lively late-night brown bars in Amsterdam’s Jordaan in my favourite season (winter). In Sydney, you’ve got to love Archie Rose. There are so many more and all are favourites for different reasons.
If you were a flavour profile, what would you be, and why? Peated. I am an irrevocable Peat Head.